Notice the M&Ms as a distraction
Spiderman...the mask didn't last very long
Brody stood up when he realized the candy bowl was on the banister!
Running away next door with Brody (which is where Brody spent most of his evening-handing out candy with the Wallaces and telling them that we put him in time out too much!)
They DO love each other:)
More evidence of my bribery.
Since we had the power on, we were able to genuinely enjoy Halloween. The kids were so excited to go Trick or Treating. Brody had to be bribed with candy to put on his muscle Spiderman (HIS choice by the way) because he thought that the costume made him look "like a girl in the chest" (if you know what I mean!!). Alison was a whole different story. She liked the idea of Minnie mouse and she liked to hold the costume, but when it was time to get dressed...it was like trying to dress a wild chimpanzee! The only part she didn't hate was putting her whiskers and nose on or "my mape-up" which I had to do in the mirror so she could admire herself. I then had to bribe her with M&Ms to put on the rest. No, I am not proud, but it got the job done. Once she was completely dressed I took as many pictures as I could because who knew when she would decide to rip them off! All in all, a fabulous night and we gave away all 550 pieces of candy! Thank Goodness we don't have any leftovers!