Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ouchie Boo-Boo

All patched up
Displaying his road rash (too bad the camera over-exposed all the cuts)

Brody was next door playing with Hannah (our neighobor's 14 year old daughter) and 30 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I answer it to two crying children, one saying "sorry" and the other with blood all over his face (guess which one was mine...). Brody was sliding face first on a skateboard down the driveway and fell off (imagine that). He scraped his chin all up and got road rash on his hands. It looked much worse than it was (but it was VERY dramatic). After some Neosporin, 5 bandaids, a pretzel and milk and many clorox wipes to clean the blood off the hallway walls and bathroom sink, all was well with the world. I am quite sure it will NOT be the first time!!! I felt so bad for poor Hannah, she just felt terrible about it!

Alison's New Tricks

Screaming (again)

Laughing baby

Ali will be 13 months old this weekend and she has a few new tricks. She FINALLY has started pulling up (albeit in her crib but all the same). She also has 4 teeth (all within 1 week) and 4 more on the way. My favorite new trick she has is all her new words she says. She says no, whats that?, daddy, cup, EIEIO (after singing Old MacDonald), and the best, hi!. It seems like everyday she says something else, of course I believe she is a genius!!! I tried to get her doing ANY of these things on video and as you can see, I wasn't very successful however seeing her throwing her Gigi was very cute.

Go to and search jeslynrock1 to see the 2 new videos. Apparently, blogspot is not happy with my videos lately!

Pump it Up

These giant thunder thighs may have something to do with her lack of mobility...

Pretty excited to be standing

Brody and Alison went to a birthday party last weekend at Pump It Up (no Ah-nold wasn't there...). There are tons of indoor bounce houses that the kids played on. There are no pictures of Brody because we didn't know where he was most of the time! Luckily for us, we still have Ali! She enjoyed holding on to the edge of the baby area and playing blocks the whole time. Gotta love that!

The Crone's BBQ

Daddy and Ali Bear

Brody playing with Uncle Bryan

Caeden with his truck, crocs, and little else...

We all headed over to the Crone's house for a Saturday BBQ last weekend. The kids (and parents) really enjoyed themselves! Brody was in the pool until his lips turned blue and Ali was her usual self playing quietly with toys on the deck. We even let Brody stay up until 9:30with little backlash! Here are some pictures of the babes lounging in the pool.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Ali's Lucious Locks

New do
I am sooooo cute!

Now this is what the hair looks like AFTER the hair ties come out

Crazy Girl

...but still a cutie pie

Friday, June 10, 2011

Our Little Nudist

When we got home today, Brody decided to play outside (as usual) as I unloaded the car. I was unpacking lunches in the kitchen as something caught my eye in the front yard. I opened the door to find that Brody had turned on all three sprinklers and was running through them STARK NAKED! The landscapers across the street even stopped to watch and laugh! I was so mortified that grabbing my camera didn't even cross my mind. Needless to say, a swimsuit was quickly put on so we wouldn't be known as "the family with the naked kid" on the street.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bad hair day

Snorting like a piggy

(her new trick)

Ali's new cheese face

My "new" bike

My new bike

Wait up daddy!

Too tired

Cutie pie

Brody inherited a new bike from Mimi's friend Kristen and it was quite the hit (especially since the spotlight was on Ali all weekend). He rode it all weekend and even rode it around the block. He was a pro and told me he can't wait to ride with the big kids. As you can see he didn't make it the whole way around.

Ready for the pool

We are so happy that we belong to a pool that is walking distance. Here are the kiddos getting ready to go.

Ali finally met her BFF

Stella lovin' on Alison

So funny....

...and now I'm over it

Lisa and her daughter Stella came to visit us for Ali's party and the two girls hit it right off (at least in Stella's eyes). I'm so glad she finally got to meet her best friend forever!

Happy 1st Birthday Alison!


And the party begins...

Kylie and Ali

Tasting the cake

Screaming with excitement over my presents!

Ali's booty

Saturday we celebrated Ali's 1st birthday with all of our friends and family (about 50 kids and adults to be exact!). We had a beautiful day and enjoyed spending time with everyone. Alison HATED her cupcake so much she started shaking and screaming while pushing it away. It was very dramatic and hilarious!