Sunday, September 20, 2009

And we thought he was sleeping...

So this morning when we put Brody down for a nap, he decided to jump ship SUPER quietly and destroy his room for 30 minutes. He emptied his closet, dresser drawers, the book basket, his stuffed animals and the cabinet that had all of his bath lotions and vasaline in it. I had also left the camera on his dresser and here are some of the pictures from his photo shoot. Good times...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Updates, updates...

Since school has started, I have been awful at posting new pictures and info, but its so hard getting back into the swing of things! Brody has been so much fun lately (and so grown up). He is eating with utensils, going down stairs frontways, climbing in and out of his chair at the table, talking, building towers with his blocks, playing cars and his most favorite, "tucks" and unfortunately, getting in and out of the crib (thankfully mostly at daycare!). It seems like yesterday he was only 8 he's a whopping 30! Also, the bad mom that I am, he has been wearing a 6 sandal and apparantly, we got him new shoes and those shoes are 1 1/2 sizes too small!!! Poor Brody...

These pictures are from Sunday Football party in Baltimore at Brian's house. Uncle Nate and he really liked playing the bongos! All of the Patriots gear we had was too small, so we will have to order new for the season. THe scar on his face is from eating concrete while running...always something...The rest of the pictures are from us playing at the house. I especially love the look he is giving me from behind the sunglasses! Classic lady killer!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Get it off Mommy...

Notice the giant bump between his eyes. He head-butted the rocking chair upstairs. It almost looks like he has a uni-brow!!!:)
Brody and his truck collection

Zoning out on Sesame Street

Here are some random pictures of Brody from last weekend. Since the start of fall is unfortunately upon us, we went out and bought B a jacket, vest, sneakers, and a hat. He definately has a love/hate relationship with the hat! I tried to get a video of him dancing to Sean Kingston on the Today Show Monday morning, but I was too late. I WILL get it on tape...I will!!!! Also, he got his first "big boy" hair cut. They used the clippers on him and everything!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Going to bed

Brody found Jon's flag football bag and REFUSED to go without the football all evening and even HAD to go to bed with it. I had to wipe the gross ball off with wipes so he could sleep with it...sad!
These are the first pictures I have taken of him in a while becuase he had a big welt on his eye from a spider bite which turned into an infection, and so on, and so forth. Believe me, he was not camera ready. Also, I was out of town this weekend so Dad was flying solo...translation: no pictures. Nana is coming in this weekend so hopefully, we can get some good new pictures!